Night Sweats Trail Race - Trail Running in the Dark - Race Report



Race: Night Sweats Trail Race

Location: Rodeo Beach

Distance: 15k (9.6 miles)

Elevation Gain: 1,600 ft

Parking: Rodeo Beach, Marin Headlands

Trails: Coastal Trail, Miwok Trail, Wolf Ridge Trail, Old Springs Trail, Marincello Trail


Race Report

Last weekend we ran the Night Sweats Trail Race organized by Pacific Coast Trail Runs. This race was part of a full day of races of varying distances, including 100M, 75M, 50M, Marathon and 15k. The Marathon and 15K were at night. We ran the 15k.

We had GREAT weather for this race. We left from Rodeo Beach and it is always hit or miss if the coast will be covered in marine fog but on race night, it was crystal clear. We arrived a little early, before sunset, to get our race bibs and secure a good parking spot and were able to do both. Parking was very adequate even with so many different races going on at one time. As the sun set, the wind picked up and it felt colder than expected and I was worried I had not dressed warm enough but before the race started, the wind died down and the temperature was perfect. The registration table was well staffed and efficient and the atmosphere before the race and at the briefing was fun and exiting. It was also inspiring to see the trickle of 50M, 75M and 100M racers coming to the finish or to complete another loop while we were waiting to start.

The 15K race was the last to start and the initial part of the course was up, up, up…from the beach nearly to Hill 88 on the Coastal Trail. The views were spectacular as we ascended, views of the beach, Golden Gate Bridge, SF city skyline and headlights and blinky lights of the other runners ahead and behind us on the trail.

From the top of the climb, we made our way down to Tennessee Valley Trailhead and the main rest stop of the race, about 4.5 miles into the race. It was a perfect place for a rest stop. It was the bottom of the first descent and the start of the last major ascent. I probably ate more calories than I burned with all the cookies and chips I grabbed….but it made for a fun stop.

After that stop, we make the climb up the Marincello trail, which was about a 2 mile constant climb - runnable but challenging. It was at the top of this climb that we parted ways with the marathoners and they went off for great views of the Golden Gate Bridge and we headed down and back to Rodeo Beach. I would have liked to run the Alta / SCA Trail section of the Marathon course but not sure it would have been worth the extra 17 miles for the extra views….but maybe? We easily made our way back down the trail to the finish.

As usual, the other runners were courteous and having a good time. There were several larger groups running together and they were really enjoying themselves, which raised the energy level of us all. We were running in the opposite direction as the longer distance runners (100M & 75M) and got to greet and encourage with the traditional trail runner greeting - “Good Job"!” - as they ran past way. This was by design of the race organizer and it added a little more encouragement to both them and us.

The thing I liked most about this race was seeing the headlights and blinky lights of the other runners all along the course and the clear, star-filled skies and scenic night views from the vistas going up the first climb. I would have liked to been able to get better, up close views of the GG bridge on the SCA trail and if I do this race again, I may just go ahead and put in the extra 17 miles to get to see that…..we’ll see what next year has in store!

Remember, every run can be an adventure! And running a trail race at night certainly was a memorable one.

Hope to see you on the trail.

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